Boje-1.2.1nale12 on DeviantArt

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Package contains 8 versions of gtk3,gtk2,gnome-shell and cinnamon theme,there is also metacity,unity,xfwm4,openbox and emerald theme.
To install themes, extract archive and copy folder Boje to /usr/share/themes.

Requirements for gtk3 theme is only gnome-themes-standard package.
Requirements for gtk2 theme is gtk-engines and gtk-engine-murrine.

Gtk3 theme has customizable color.You can setup any color you want,just open file Boje/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and change value of 'selected_bg_color'.
IMPORTANT: Theme must be in /usr/share/themes in order to work color customization.


-15.12.2012. - some minor visual improvements and a few bug fixed on gtk2 and gtk3 themes
-16.12.2012. - removed ugly thick menu line from qt apps and some minor tweaks of gtk3 theme
-19.12.2012. - added gnome-shell theme,and small improvement of gtk2 theme
-20.12.2012. - added six more versions of gtk3,gtk2 and gnome-shell theme
-25.12.2012. - added greyscale version
-30.12.2012. - fixed bugs with linked buttons
-02.01.2013. - added cinnamon themes
-04.01.2013. - fixed panel(some improvements on all versions, and bugs with greyscale version)
- 22.01.2013. - bugfix release
- 16.02.2013. - fixed notification bug in cinnamon themes
© 2012 - 2025 nale12
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