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Brothers - Page 3



Taka... :no: Either he doesn't get it, or he doesn't want to. Or maybe something else is on his mind... :hmm: Mufasa and Ahadi seem to sense that something's amis.

By the way, I am directly referencing :icondj88:'s lovely animation of Taka for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th panels. I wanted to "include" that animation somewhere. :XD: It's just so good! A few things are different of course (Taka's design, and the dialogue he's saying for one thing), but that was my inspiration here. :aww: Love ya, DJ! :hug:

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Please mind your language when you comment. I love having feedback, but harsh words/phrases bother me. Thanks! :)

"Betrothed" cover:
(read "Betrothed" first to fully enjoy "Brothers")

I am dedicating this comic "Brothers" to all of the fans who inspired and encouraged me while I was working on "Betrothed." Without you, this sequel wouldn't exist. Thank you. And if you're just tuning in, welcome aboard!

The Lion King, Mufasa, and Scar © and TM Disney. Art and original comic story "Brothers" © *Nala15.
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© 2013 - 2024 Nala15
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sweetgirl123495's avatar

My favorite character is Nala forever I love her