naked-in-the-rain on DeviantArt

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naked-in-the-rain's avatar

True Love Fact




...the world is full of ideas and hopes for something better.
But little things will never change - the ones we love make us cry the most.

It's painful, it's scary, it's horrible, it's stressful, but yes, it is always beautiful.


other works:

P.S. Thank you for looking, and here's a little explanation:

I know I have better photos that are much more complicated and harder to take. It's not my fault that some of you don't like this on the front page, because people who liked this made this popular, it wasn't just me putting it up there.

Many popular deviants ( I won't name them) have tons of images like this one making front page everyday with 100000000 favs, but learn to deal with it. If people like it, you can't kill the author for that only because you don't agree with others.

Many times, I made a photo I found really good and better than the most of the photos I saw on the front page that day, but sometimes it just didn't get there, and I learned to deal with it.

Yes, notes/motivational quotes images are easy to take, you don't need much effort, but it's the idea and the message that counts, and of course, your interpretation of it.

So, peace out (:

...and to those who think this is about unhealthy relationships, it's not. It's about unconditional love. It's about children loving parents and vice versa, it's about true friends, it's about strangers who become lovers, it's about girlfriends and boyfriends, it's about being caught in the love web and never wanting to escape.

P.S. And you don't have to be the so called emo, to love.
Image size
800x549px 332.74 KB
Shutter Speed
10/400 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 17, 2008, 3:33:02 AM
© 2012 - 2024 naked-in-the-rain
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