Diablo 2 Lego Rogue CampNaityDhimDarell on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/naitydhimdarell/art/Diablo-2-Lego-Rogue-Camp-600744227NaityDhimDarell

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Diablo 2 Lego Rogue Camp



The Rocgue Camp of Diablo 2 in a lego manner, featuring Sir Deckard Cain for a Conanard PC Contest.

3D model created via Mecabricks. It is free to share at the following adress: www.mecabricks.com/en/models/Z…
Rendering made using Blender.
HDR Image used from zbyg

Hope you enjoy
Image size
1920x1080px 3.82 MB
© 2016 - 2025 NaityDhimDarell
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NezumiYuki's avatar
I can just imagine Kashya to the immediate left of Deckard and to our right, Akara to the lower right of the image, Warriv just above and behind Cain, Charsi to the upper right, and that swindler Gheed to our upper left.

Neat rendering! It looks like real plastic bricks! =D