Little red riding hoodNaimane on DeviantArt

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Little red riding hood



If you people only KNEW how hard I laughed at this pic.
Well... I found this sketch a couple of days ago on... school paper. Never actually thought about making anything out of this until someone mentioned Little red riding hood in my poll xD

So I took a pause from playing kingdom hearts (LVL 92, LOZERZZZ) and did this.
I remember when I was sketching this, I was like "hmmm, HMMM, who of my OCs would suit as her?" First I thought like... Netami, then I was like, naaah... It should be someone younger.
And once again, Jack was in the center of the scene xD DAMN HIM.

Can anyone find the wolf? :iconimhappyplz: Cookie for you!

Jack is a bastard. He's inviding my gallery
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912x1261px 2.04 MB
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TheLittleWaterDragon's avatar
lurking behind the trees. top left. bloody claws ;)