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My Little Pony - Alien Planet Glise[Poser]



"Reaper v2.0 is that you?" :p

- I hope to celestia that there is nothing wrong with the scene, the amount of hours it took to edit the textures on the plants, trees, water, grass to look like an alien planet . Q.Q
Must have spent 3-8 hours editing textures and then 7 hours rendering the scene.
and i love this scene, sadly cause of all the "glowing" and reflection on plants so does it increase the rendering from 10-30min to 7 hours Q.Q 

- Not the best background, i wasn't sure if i should use toon or realistic texture :/

- i hope you love it :(

- Render Duration 3h 30min
- Rendered in Poser
- No Postwork
Image size
1600x1200px 1.72 MB
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