ColibriNadiezda on DeviantArt

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March 27, 2011
Colibri by *Nadiezda immediately grabbed my attention with its gorgeous deep colors and pleasing composition. This multifaceted deviant captures everything said in the description about this neat little creature.
Featured by y2jenn
Nadiezda's avatar




Trying other style, enjoy!



called new world birds cause they are native to North America, Central and South America, are considered to be symbols of peace, love and happiness, moreover, ancient pagans held them sacred for their tireless energy and anxiety.

In Native American culture, a hummingbird symbolizes timless joy and the Nectar of Life. It's a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible and will teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances.

They are really spectacular birds, and have a lot to teach a person about self discovery and healing.

It stands for immortality. Or sometimes the Sun.
Hummingbird is seen by some as a messenger of love and joy. It symbolises energy, wonder and swift action. It is associated with the Ghost Spirit native American religion which teaches a dance that is intended to return the natural balance of the world.

The hummingbird represent abundant life and joy.
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527x722px 638.12 KB
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DanielaIvanova's avatar
"The hummingbird represent abundant life and joy." Tell me about it! With your color choice and composition it's pur bliss if not more! The image is very refreshing and heartwarming. I featured it in my journal as a means to express a bit better the state of serenity and happiness I'm in: On Top of a Flaming Eagle