Heart of the OceanNadavDov on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nadavdov/art/Heart-of-the-Ocean-41670856NadavDov

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NadavDov's avatar

Heart of the Ocean



Standing in The Heart of The Ocean, Hidding behind the walls of time.
The secrets of life are hidden inside, with All the unknown questions and the unknown enigmas.

Standing inside the Heart of the Ocean, from the begining of life, alone, Behind the walls of time.
Watching Life, Watching Death, Watching the world changing in Time.

Standing In A deep ocean with A burning heart inside, waiting to fade away, to be away,
with Another Heart and another Ocean.


The shot was taken in 'Beit Yanai Beach' next to Netanya, Israel.
this is not A manipulation.
I used A technique called Painting with light.

in this specific shot I set the white balance to the coldest Temperture (2500 kelvin) to get the blue effect.
I expused for 30 seconds and with the help of a little flashlight I ran like crazy in the frame during the exposure and "painted with light" the areas I wanted.
the flashlight made the blue light you're seeing on the stone and in the sky.
it was hard and I made alot of experiments until I got this one to satisfy me.

- For more information on How to paint with light I recomend everyone to check Kil1k's Tutorial - Long Exposure Light Painting
- I suggest you'll run a search on painting with light too, there are many things you can create with it.

Nadav Dov
Image size
800x501px 126.76 KB
Shutter Speed
30/1 second
Focal Length
18 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 11, 2006, 7:09:37 PM
© 2006 - 2025 NadavDov
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cranberrycorners's avatar
Brilliantly done , out-of-this- world atmosphere!