Old Man on the Block - Show EntryNabashta on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nabashta/art/Old-Man-on-the-Block-Show-Entry-951408822Nabashta

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Old Man on the Block - Show Entry



Class | Reining
HorseEGG STL Abandoned War
RiderJessica Phoenix
Extras | N/A

Place | 2nd!


Story | 610
Jess is nervous. It had been almost 5 years since she competed last and she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to keep up with the youngers. She was glad to see at least some older competitors. After Jess bought War she had intended for the stallion to go into retirement. I mean he kinda earned it, but Sym suggested at she develop more of his western side, so that he would be a great English and Western sire. Thus Jess has spent the last few months prepping War and getting him into a more western working shape. He has done amazing, with the conditioning and she couldn’t be more proud of the stallion. 

Now, the tall stud was eating hay peacefully while the world seemed to explode around him. Which for someone who has competed at the FEI World Games, she would be very surprised in the seasoned stallion was acting like a 3 year old. Thankfully with the rise of her nerves, Jess is not alone, Serenity decided to tag along with the pair to give moral support and get out of Texas. 

“You ready for this?” Seren asked as she stepped out of the rig. Jess laughed,

”I have spent the last 10 minutes trying not to psych myself out of doing this.” Seren patted her shoulder before leaning on the rig next to War.

”You’ll be fine, sure it might have been a few years since you were last at a show this size, or anything show really, but it is just like riding a bike. You really can’t forget who to do stuff like this.” Jess nodded thoughtfully.

”Yea that makes sense, things just have changed so much in recent years. I am riding an advanced horse who knows what to do, but we might not have the best relationship yet and that scares me.” Jess let out a breath, almost in relief. Seren smiled,

“feel better?”, Jess nodded “yea, I do.” Seren walked over and hugged her friend, just as the reining class was called. 

“Let’s go kick some ass!” Jess laughed, 

“Alright War. Ready to show the world what you can do?” The stallions ears perked up and he let out a agreeing whinny. Jess smiled, her face free from worry and determination sparking.

As the pair walked into the warm up ring outside the outdoor arena, Jess’ nerves where gone, her mind clear. War was in his zone, he was quick to listen to Jess’ cues and little shifts in weight. They had three more runs before they were up and Jess was confident in their abilities. 

“Alright War, show them you know your worth.” War snorted and walked to the entrance gate, his eyes fixed on the competitor in the ring, waiting for his turn to in the ring. Three became two, became, one. The attendant at the gate offered a quick word of encouragement to Jess as the last competitor finished their pattern.

”Alright Jessica, you ready? With the way you were warming up id say you’re about to give all these people a run for their money. Jess smiled

“Well, I don't know about that, but we will sure try to.” She reached down to pat War on the neck before sitting back up and watching for her cue to enter after the last person exited. 

“Good luck in their Jess!” The attendant called after the pair as they trotted into the ring. Jess took a deep breath, claiming her body and mind.

“Just like riding a bike.” Seren’s words hung in her ear. 

“Let’s do this.” She whispered to herself before picking up the reins and they were off.  

Credits |
Horse - Chunga-Stock and HKW1994
Rider - xxmemorabilia
Tack and BG - Nabashta
Serenity, Jessica, and War reside with me

Image size
5000x4000px 13.1 MB
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