n8s on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/n8s/art/BB-8-and-R2D2-528521568n8s

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n8s's avatar

BB-8 and R2D2



*See my new BB 8 Model*
Download the files to make your own here:
BB-8 papercraft
R2D2 papercraft
Image size
2592x1936px 1.94 MB
iPhone 4
Shutter Speed
1/15 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
May 15, 2015, 11:37:42 PM
© 2015 - 2024 n8s
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Revell-Fan's avatar
Hello, n8s! I have been a long-time DeviantArt lurker but your BB-8 model has finally made me join the club! :-)

You have done a great job in turning the sphere-shape into a paper model. I too have also noticed that the texture is blurred and that some lines are distorted. I therefore have begun tracing the template in CorelDRAW to turn it into a vector graphic. This will hopefully enhance the overall appearance. Main tracing is complete, I am now tweaking the fine details (smoothing the outlines and adding panel lines). I am also tempted at making the head movable. I'll send the finished pattern to you asap for approval. The progress of my enhancements can be seen on the Zealot modeling forum.

BTW, I am an avid paper model designer myself and have created several BSG and Buck Rogers models. Unfortunately I am unable to post links to them because the system thinks they are spam. :( But if you google for "Revell-Fan" and "Battlestar Galactica" / "Buck Rogers" you may find them easily.

Have fun and enjoy! :-)