N4u2k on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/n4u2k/art/1-Tunnels-498060518N4u2k

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#1 Tunnels



Creativity is wonderful, but I find it so dangerous to ones ability to connect with your own confidence and sense of self. Because often you feel like you've gotten no where, or what you've created has no significance. Or you end up scraping or deleting a project out of fear or dissatisfaction. Now, as an artist how do we best approximate our state of mind and when we work best?. Well this is what this is for, inspired by the many artists out there doing the the same thing, scribbles, doodles and paintings. 1 a day for a set period of time, let's see if I can keep painting for 30 days xD.

I think I'll add more stars to the next piece, more shiney is required.

Cosmicspark sort of inadvertently nudged me into not slacking.
Image size
1500x1500px 1.84 MB
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mockingbirdontree's avatar
Wow, this is gorgeous :iconjoyloveplz::iconlovepowerplz::iconpenguindanceplz::iconlovepowerplz::iconjoyloveplz: