Favourite Visual Artist
The artists who worked on Endless ocean, Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure, Warriors (cats), and Ace Attorney. Throughout my years of doing art, they've inspired me to grow my skills in drawing sea creatures, cats, and people.
Favourite Movies
Sea Monsters: a Prehistoric Adventure
Favourite TV Shows
X-Files, Forensic Files, and Gravity Falls
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Lapfox, Pet Shop Boys, Queen, and Coldplay, as well as the composers of my favorite games.
Favourite Books
None at the moment, but I suppose Wings of Fire is pretty great.
Favourite Writers
Ehh, I don't really have any.
Favourite Games
Ace Attorney
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Krita and a Wacom tablet
Other Interests
Fishing, playing the piano, playing video games, and obsessing over Ace Attorney