
Toxishade Hunters Task 3: Don't Get Shuttle-cocky

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Toxishade Hunters Task 3: Don't Get Shuttle-cocky

"...S'... Nev'r pictured we'd be doin' this for th' Guild... 'R rather, one of th' leaders," Tyr whispered as he peered around the wall that led into the property now littered with shuttlecocks. Hikari silently peered in as she began to think of ways they could do this. "Well," she whispered. "It's not exactly an official task, moreso we're helping Sundance get back what's rightfully his."

"Yea, bu' still... Think this'll pu' us in good favor with 'im?" Tyr asked her quietly, a bit of a grin on his face. Maybe there could have been other benefits with the other guild leaders... But, as he heard before, life was about keeping one's options open, and this decision would help with that...

"Yeah," Hikari said. "All we gotta do is have one of us as a look out while the other gets the shuttlecocks." She looked down, looking at Tyr's stubby legs and her lack of limbs. "... Can you tie a knot?"

"....Hell no." He replied with a shake of his head, letting out a bit of a sigh. This wasn't gonna be easy for them, was it... Hikari sighed, and took off her shawl. She laid it out on the ground and carefully handed one end to Tyr. "Hold this end. I'm making you a fricken sack," she huffed. She carefully started trying to tie the ends together, and ended up stuck twice. Tyr watched her silently, keeping tight hold onto the end given to him as she worked.

Hikari put the makeshift shawl-sack around Tyr's neck. "Ok, I'll stand guard and you go collect the shuttlecocks. Put them in my shawl, and then come back out when it's full. If we have to make a couple trips, we'll just take turns." Tyr nodded, then smirked a bit. "Okay... Bet I can fit all 'f 'em in in jus' one trip." Hikari rolled her eyes at Tyr, though she couldn't help but smirk a little. "Alright, and if you can, ya can choose what to do with me. But if ya can't, you have to let me paint you up like a Magikarp," she called after him. "Ya got yerself a deal!" Tyr responded, glancing over his shoulder at her, a confident smirk on his face.

With that, he slipped into the yard. The netting of a shuttlecock caught his eyes. Confidently, he slunk over and picked it up and dropped it into the sac. He began to make his way around the yard, gathering the shuttlecocks one by one. Hikari gazed around from the other side of the fence, making sure the owner of the land wasn't approaching...


There was just one shuttlecock left. The sac was completely stuffed, and weighed heavily against Tyr's neck. Still, he had a bet to win. Carefully, he slunk over and lowered himself to grab the last shuttlecock. The heavy shawl sac threatened to spill over or unravel itself with the movement, but, somehow, he managed to grab the last of them and place it inside. Triumphantly, Tyr turned around and beamed at Hikari, silently proclaiming his victory. Head held high, he started to make his way back. His large ears swung around on his head, making sure there were no sounds of approaching 'mon.

As Tyr came back out, Hikari was waiting there... With Sundance. "Hey Tyr, you ready for your new paint job?" Hikari snickered. If the comment caught him off guard, Tyr didn't show it. Instead, he smirked back. "Ya ready t' admit I won? After all, I got all th' shuttlecocks I got in one trip." Hikari glared a bit at the sac of shuttlecocks around his neck, and pouted. "Well, you didn't get all of the shuttlecocks. Sundance got some, too. So you lost." Tyr frowned a bit and glanced at Sundance, then back at Hikari. He didn't want to start this in front of a Guild Leader... "...We didn't make tha' clear with th' bet, did we?... S' how 'bout this, I take ya out t' dinner an' we call it fair?" He suggested, the grin back on his face.
Hikari seemed to think this over for a bit, then smiled. "Well... Alright." "Great...  Sundance silently noted the exchange as he looked to the male Nidoran. "Uh, thanks for your help," he said. "I couldn't have gotten the rest of them on my own."

"Oh, we're glad t' d' it! Anythin' t' help 'nother out," Tyr responded good-naturedly, with a bit of a wink as he worked his way under the fence. He nearly got stuck under the fence, not because of the sac, but because of his spines. He played off though, with a small laugh, as he struggled to lower his spines just a little more. He wasn't sure if he could get away with digging along the fence line, after all. He just managed to squeeze himself the rest of the way and stumbled up, the sac against his chest, the shuttlecocks brimming to the top. "...Now, can someone get this 'ff me?"
Reward: Adorable Crayon Drawing

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