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Tally had barely taken six steps into the guild before she was bombarded with paper and colours and told to make posters about Regigigas' transformation from Destructobot to Model-Citizen. She grumbled as she kicked open a door to a small office like room and dumped the mess onto the table.
Hours quickly passed and paper balls spattered with various hues of colour bounced dully against the wall. Eventually after the thousandth time of dismissing ideas and almost igniting the table she was working at, Tally got up and left, leaving the art supplies on the table while she walked to cool herself down.
“Regigigas helped rebuild my house!”
“It brought me supplies to restock my shop with.”
“Our class planted a garden with the Statue.”
As Tally walked through Andalusst she paused to ask mons what Regi had done for them since his awakening, and quickly an idea began forming in her mind. After talking to a group of mons Regi had built a park for, Tally high-tailed it back to the little office and began sketching out simple lines and ideas.
Tally was surprised at the sheer work that she had put into the posters she was currently holding. They were bright and colourful with pictures of Regigigas assisting various mons who needed help around Andalusst. Among them was a group of kids planting a garden, Regi with arms full of food and it carrying a bunch of laughing kids.
“It's actually doing good.” Tally muttered as her eyes scanned the images. She glanced around her and grinned before sticking a poster in the main hall of the Guild.
'Alright, this shouldn't be so bad,' Tally thought before taking off at a run to paste her share of posters around town. She darted through throngs of mons, sticking posters to walls and pointing them out to people. Her own upbeat attitude becoming infectious the more she spoke.
“Regigigas is here to help us rebuild and learn, the Researchers already have more data than they know what to do with and we've restored almost half the city as well as built three new parks for our little ones. Does that seem like the attitude a monster to you?”
After her little speech she slipped away quietly and returned to walking the city streets that we're quickly becoming peaceful in the evening light.
Tally would have easily passed Sundance by if not for the loud 'psst' from the shadows.
“Sundance? What's up?” Tally asked only to be shushed and dragged into the shade of a tree.
“I need help getting some flyaway shuttlecocks from the yard over that fence. Me and my friends we playing badminton and a few got away from us.”
“Why do you need help?” Tally asked sceptically. Sundance smiled sheepishly for a second then quickly looked both ways as if checking for any eavesdroppers.
“Ninjas are on the prowl.”
“Ah, I see. Well, lets go get them before the ninjas do.” Tally smirked pulling her hood up so it covered her face. Sundance led the way to the walled garden and Tally helped him up onto the wall before jumping up herself.
“There they are!” He whispered pointing to almost a dozen birdies.
“A few eh?” Tally sighed and they leapt down.
“You keep watch, I'll grab them.”
“Kay.” She said as she watched Sunny dart around lawn ornaments pretending to be a ninja himself. He clumsily collected them all and Tally helped him scramble over the wall.
“I'll see you later Sundance.” Tally whispered after him and he waved back before he disappeared around the corner and out of sight, leaving Tally to return to her evening stroll in peace.
Hours quickly passed and paper balls spattered with various hues of colour bounced dully against the wall. Eventually after the thousandth time of dismissing ideas and almost igniting the table she was working at, Tally got up and left, leaving the art supplies on the table while she walked to cool herself down.
“Regigigas helped rebuild my house!”
“It brought me supplies to restock my shop with.”
“Our class planted a garden with the Statue.”
As Tally walked through Andalusst she paused to ask mons what Regi had done for them since his awakening, and quickly an idea began forming in her mind. After talking to a group of mons Regi had built a park for, Tally high-tailed it back to the little office and began sketching out simple lines and ideas.
Tally was surprised at the sheer work that she had put into the posters she was currently holding. They were bright and colourful with pictures of Regigigas assisting various mons who needed help around Andalusst. Among them was a group of kids planting a garden, Regi with arms full of food and it carrying a bunch of laughing kids.
“It's actually doing good.” Tally muttered as her eyes scanned the images. She glanced around her and grinned before sticking a poster in the main hall of the Guild.
'Alright, this shouldn't be so bad,' Tally thought before taking off at a run to paste her share of posters around town. She darted through throngs of mons, sticking posters to walls and pointing them out to people. Her own upbeat attitude becoming infectious the more she spoke.
“Regigigas is here to help us rebuild and learn, the Researchers already have more data than they know what to do with and we've restored almost half the city as well as built three new parks for our little ones. Does that seem like the attitude a monster to you?”
After her little speech she slipped away quietly and returned to walking the city streets that we're quickly becoming peaceful in the evening light.
Tally would have easily passed Sundance by if not for the loud 'psst' from the shadows.
“Sundance? What's up?” Tally asked only to be shushed and dragged into the shade of a tree.
“I need help getting some flyaway shuttlecocks from the yard over that fence. Me and my friends we playing badminton and a few got away from us.”
“Why do you need help?” Tally asked sceptically. Sundance smiled sheepishly for a second then quickly looked both ways as if checking for any eavesdroppers.
“Ninjas are on the prowl.”
“Ah, I see. Well, lets go get them before the ninjas do.” Tally smirked pulling her hood up so it covered her face. Sundance led the way to the walled garden and Tally helped him up onto the wall before jumping up herself.
“There they are!” He whispered pointing to almost a dozen birdies.
“A few eh?” Tally sighed and they leapt down.
“You keep watch, I'll grab them.”
“Kay.” She said as she watched Sunny dart around lawn ornaments pretending to be a ninja himself. He clumsily collected them all and Tally helped him scramble over the wall.
“I'll see you later Sundance.” Tally whispered after him and he waved back before he disappeared around the corner and out of sight, leaving Tally to return to her evening stroll in peace.
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Two in one since they're both really short.
Tally isn't one people...things...even if it's her city, so she's opted out of the 2nd Task this time with the Ambassador
Tally isn't one people...things...even if it's her city, so she's opted out of the 2nd Task this time with the Ambassador
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