bubble brushes for PS6Myrcury-Art on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/myrcury-art/art/bubble-brushes-for-PS6-1580084Myrcury-Art

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bubble brushes for PS6



These are for Photoshop 6. A fun pack of 7 different sizes of bubbles that I had a lot of fun making into brushes and trying out, myself, so I figured maybe some here might get a kick out of them as well. Enjoy! And if you use them, feel free to give me a note back 'cuz I'd love to see what you create with them.

And if anyone needs them for another program, I stamped them, black on white, on a separate image. I've only ever used Photoshop 6, so I don't know if this will help anyone, but here you go: [link] Enjoy! :excited:
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These bubbles are AWESOME!!! They're just what I need for a current project. Thank you!