deviously deviant. I've grown to love deviantART for the global community and the discussions about art. You guys rock my socks.
previously creative. I used to design graphics and tees, developed newsletter CSS for dA, under the direction of TheRyanFord and Heidi.
deviously statistical. I graduated in 2005 with a BA; majoring in filmmaking with a focus in editing/cinematography and a minor in art history. I'm currently a full time artist, focusing on metaverse gaming.
deviously zany. I love to spend my free time gaming, riding my BMX bike, singing in the shower, volunteering, going on walks and hikes, ethical rockhounding, camping, fishing, listening to music, and of course, painting.
deviously done. Everything I do, I try to do with a giggle and some fun.
Personal Quote: "I'll just try that again."