Daybreaker and Captain CollinsMykemanila on DeviantArt

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Mykemanila's avatar

Daybreaker and Captain Collins



Commission Artwork in Pencil for:

11" X 17 board
HB 0.5 pencil
Blue lead mechanical Pencil 0.7
Photoshop CS - for my label

Daybreaker is owned by:

Captain Collins is owned by:

A little trivia: This commish work from my good friend Kaemgen started last year October to be exact.
I started to creat the work after the 1st commish he had ask, but due some problems that started to come in, it got delayed pretty badly.
Not only that, before this artwork I already tried to make not just once but twice tried to draw this piece.
The first two artwork was shelved because, I don't think I can see them working and having an impact for the people to like.

Well, I just hope that the wait is all worth it. I hope. :(

Image size
1320x2040px 431.34 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Mykemanila
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Kaemgen's avatar
Very cool! And I hear Scooter loves it as well. :) Actually really like the two scrapped ones as well...