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Im not that happy with this. Im kind of forcing myself to draw.
I realized though. I havent drawn DJ Pon-3 ever... at all. And I needed to.
I still need help with hair. I dont get people who can draw hair really well. I dunno if they use a special brush, or if they are just really good. -sigh- whatever, maybe in about 40 years I can be considered as an underdog artist. If I am lucky.
I drew it to a bunch of random Techno songs:
[link] (this is my own speed up version lol. )
DJ Pon-3 / MLP: FiM (c) Hasbro
I realized though. I havent drawn DJ Pon-3 ever... at all. And I needed to.
I still need help with hair. I dont get people who can draw hair really well. I dunno if they use a special brush, or if they are just really good. -sigh- whatever, maybe in about 40 years I can be considered as an underdog artist. If I am lucky.
I drew it to a bunch of random Techno songs:
[link] (this is my own speed up version lol. )
DJ Pon-3 / MLP: FiM (c) Hasbro
Image size
1400x1400px 1.39 MB
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I think the hair looks excellent. I couldn't do that.