ABC - Font Typeface Version 2MyFox on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

September 24, 2008
ABC - Font Typeface by ~MyFox is a funky clean font which is perfect for any project, and just one of many that this deviant has made available to the community.
Featured by znow-white
MyFox's avatar

ABC - Font Typeface Version 2



I would like to say a gigantic "Thank You" To everybody that left me comments.

***UPDATE V1.1*** Change V
***UPDATE V1.2*** Change Letter Spacing in lowercase
***UPDATE V2*** All letters redrawn, Numbers Added.

Yes, V.1.2 contained a few mistakes, I was aware. I was planning to change them when I obtained some free time.

Here is V.2 You will find some new letters, along with adjusted old letters. This font contains roman numerals as numbers. This font has a Sci' Fi' futuristic feel, so i thought i would use roman numerals as a play on future to past.

All my fonts are free for public and commercial use. I received a lot of comments about using my fonts outside D.A YES YOU CAN, you do not need to credit me. You can use my fonts any way you want too. I feel artists should be able to create artwork without fear of "Copyright" restrictions.

I will also be creating other resources such a "Brushes, Swatches, Shapes, Logo parts" all will be free from any restrictions additionally can be used for public and commercial work.
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beautiful and actual =)
thank you!