I’m falling into the dead dark space
Time is going on eternal but nothing last forever
My nude flesh burns freezing and itchy within every second of falling
My bones are cracking
My heart hurts so much like I have been stabbed multiple times and I’m bleeding and the blood is pouring out my chest dripping down from the abyss
I’m really tired and can’t really move myself
I’m blind but that’s because all I can see is darkness
All I can hear is my tears falling out of my eyes
I really must be dying but slowly and painfully
I just close my eyes and I really began choking and coughing repeatedly but in m
Waiting for you to be my side by myenternalwish, literature
Waiting for you to be my side
I wish apon of a sea of thousand stars that were shining like it was so beautiful like wedding crystals within every single minute of my summer night. The night was not really usual. This night was really saying, “don’t let your gorgeous sun go to sleep so soon for you my master!” I really just began to look up along the colony of lights. Just really wishing time would really grant me a chance to be under the moon with someone special once again.