MLP: BBC's Mycroft HolmesMychelle on DeviantArt

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MLP: BBC's Mycroft Holmes



And here is my last character for the mini-cross over pictures of characters from BBC's Sherlock. I got to admit, Mycroft is one of my absolute favorites from the show, so I ended up giving his picture a bit more work. Similar colored to Sherlock of course, but not as dark. If anyone is curious, I see Mycroft's magic color as red, and Sherlock's as Blue. =P

So this four-set is now done. Next, I think I am going to try going with characters from Supernatural.

Original designer, Amanda, can be found at: StellaVulpa

The crew:

MLP: BBC's John Watson by Mychelle MLP: BBC's Sherlock Holmes by MychelleMLP: BBC's Gregory Lestrade by MychelleMLP: BBC's Mycroft Holmes by Mychelle

Picture that includes these ponies:
Facebook Coverphoto: MLP Friendship is Fandom by Mychelle
Image size
720x1280px 858.03 KB
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