Cross-Processing ATNmutato-nomine on DeviantArt

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mutato-nomine's avatar

Cross-Processing ATN



Cross-processing, briefly, is a photographic technique where (usually) slide film (E6) is processed in the set of chemicals usually used to process print film (C41). (Less common is cross-processing in the other direction -- print film processed in slide film chemicals) The result is images with oddly skewed colors and increased contrast and saturation.

:bulletred:FOR MORE ACTIONS PLEASE CHECK MY WEBPAGE - Jana Werner's Photoshop Resources":bulletred:

The problem we're running into now, however, is that this process depends on shooting with film. What happens if you're one of the photographers who have made the jump to digital?

Well, for those who use the digital like me, and like this technique, I created the Cross-Processing Action. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I do :juggle:

:postit: Comments are very appreciated!

Free for personal use, for commercial please do ask! Thank you!

How to install the action:
1. Put the .ATN file from the zip in a directory of your choice. It does not need to be in the Photoshop directory.
2. Choose Load Actions from the Actions palette menu.
3. Select the action set file from die directory you saved it.
4. Click Load.
5. Play it.

Have fun!

:lightbulb: TIP! If you want to see all the steps in the action and learn something (actions are great learning tools), check the "step by step" or "pause for XXX sec" on the playback options. Commands within an action can be also toggled on or off, giving you the option to play each command or bypass recorded commands within the action during playback.

Photocredit: [link]
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