Hi, I'm Murre!
My full name is Umbreon Murasame Mr MurreI belong to :iconthe-shadowcat::devthe-shadowcat:You can use my avatar on DeviantArt as a plz account by typing :icon murreplz :
But you can not upload it to your own account, as the image belongs to my owner :devthe-shadowcat: Murre's Plz accounts: :iconmurreplz: :icon MurrePlz :
:iconmurrehissplz: :icon MurreHissPlz :
:iconcatplz1: :icon CatPlz1 :
:iconcatplz2: :icon CatPlz2 : Property of: (you can use my normal accounts as plz'es too, if you like the icons =^_^= )
:iconToyger: :icon toyger : (art; main)
:iconthe-shadowcat: :icon the-shadowcat : (photo; cat)
:iconcatstock: :icon ca...