Hello, long time from a Journal entry!
Many, MANY things have happened since then. A son, web comics in portuguese and english, birthdays, and more recently, COVID...
I've gone from content, unhappy and actually pretty satisfied with my art.
From unhappy I went crazy bananas trying to understand things I liked. But because of my poor methods, it took me a lot to understand why. Never underestimate the importance of teachers. Like a workshop I had with Eduardo Vieira ( https://twitter.com/eduardovieirart ). My wife bought me this course, and I felt I wasn't up to it. Maybe I wasn't but it gave me a new fire.
You see, I'm actually pretty cautious with the things I try to pass on with art. From my philosophy studies I take care of that. But on actual art and techniques, they're quite behind. So after Eduardo's class I took art studies more seriously. Also having a weekly ongoing webcomic helped me advance on both stances.
So now looking back now, I can genuinelly find some moments of