Walking City Audition final pageMunzilla on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/munzilla/art/Walking-City-Audition-final-page-472199847Munzilla

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Walking City Audition final page



EDIT: It came to my attention there was a minor error in regards to paneling in the top row so I went ahead and switched it around to fit the normal direction I was using in previous pages. Thank you :iconsarahthecat: :iconstrayflame: and :icondax812: For notifying me about it.

*Throws arms into the air while being coated in dust and digital ink* IT IS DONE

Previous: munzilla.deviantart.com/art/Wa…

I apologize for both the wait and the format but the page flowed better this way and I wasn't too sure how to Panel the middle and last panels to make them work. It honestly Looks fine to me but I'm sure everyone has a different opinion. 

Anyway, This is the final ending page to my audition for :iconwalkingcityoct: 

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838x4411px 2.81 MB
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B-Bysiac's avatar
Lovely work! :D And an intriguing beginning