Evening at Applejack'sMundschenk85 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/mundschenk85/art/Evening-at-Applejack-s-682699494Mundschenk85

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Mundschenk85's avatar

Evening at Applejack's



I really liked that vector of Berry and Minuette when i first saw it... I just HAD to use it somewhere :D (Big Grin)
And it turned out I could use it as a good excuse for some coloring and layering experiments Wink/Razz 

Bonnie, Berry, Minuette and the bottle were made by TriteBristle :icontritebristle: and modified by me
Lyra by Pirill-Poveniy :iconpirill-poveniy:
Now I don't know where i found this image of AJ, for it had slumbered on my hard drive for a while...

Image size
5637x3000px 4.02 MB
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rautamiekka's avatar
Just wait 5s and you might need both the unicorns to stop her with magic :D