Isis 1/4 (C) CyberAgent - 'Tenku no Crystalia'muddymelly on DeviantArt

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Isis 1/4 (C) CyberAgent - 'Tenku no Crystalia'



(My FacebookTumblr, and Twitter be here; I'd be very glad to connect with you!)

Isis 1/4 (C) CyberAgent - 'Tenku no Crystalia' by muddymellyIsis 2/4 (C) CyberAgent - 'Tenku no Crystalia' by muddymellyIsis 3/4 (C) CyberAgent - 'Tenku no Crystalia' by muddymellyIsis 4/4 (C) CyberAgent - 'Tenku no Crystalia' by muddymelly

Isis, Evolution One. Element: Light. Card description: "She is the wife and younger sister of Osiris, the king of Hades. And she births gods even though she is forever a virgin; she is called 'Celestial Mother,' 'Mother of Stars and Sea,' and 'Greatest Wizard.'"


:huggle: Thank you for looking!! m(_ _)m

(@@ Cannot believe I got this opportunity... Thank God!!) Illustrated for and copyrighted by the Japanese video game company CyberAgent, parent company of Cygames - who released the hit game "Rage of Bahamut," for their game, "Tenku no Crystalia!"

(Released in June 2012, "Tenku no Crystalia" is only available in Japan for now; it is similar in gameplay to "Rage of Bahamut," which is an arcade + action + fantasy trading card game available on mobile.)

- "The #1 Grossing Game On Android And iOS, DeNA’s Rage Of Bahamut, Has Almost Even Revenues From Both"

- "Cygames' Rage of Bahamut Exceeds Three Million Users Outside Japan"
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1000x1250px 1.13 MB
© 2012 - 2025 muddymelly
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Waldenis's avatar
Congratulations! Indescribable! Fantastic!