Dr. Reid, Socks, and Coffee.Muchacha10 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/muchacha10/art/Dr-Reid-Socks-and-Coffee-159192355Muchacha10

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Dr. Reid, Socks, and Coffee.



If i said this wasn't spencer reid, i'd be lying.

who doesn't love a genius?

and about the socks, i watched a interview with matthew gray gubler (reid) and he actually wears mismatched socks EVERYDAY for good luck. he hasn't worn matching for like ten years, and the one time he did, he sprained his ankle. Maybe i should wear mismatched ones, too.

PS and this icon fiasco=STOOPID. I can't tell who's who.
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therebeltheory's avatar
Why is Spencer Reid such a mood