Hunger Games: Here is the Place Where I Love Youmseregon on DeviantArt

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Hunger Games: Here is the Place Where I Love You



Peeta and Katniss from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. This is not supposed to be a picture of them in the arena. I wanted this to seem more like a happy walk rather than a fight for survival.

This is fan art. I do not claim to be the creator of these characters. Just the drawing.

Thanks to :iconsyccas-stock: and :iconsteppeland: for the references: [link] [link]

Image size
1211x1500px 1010.58 KB
© 2012 - 2024 mseregon
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Love this! This is the closest picture to what I think they were supposed to look like According to the book! Well done! I want to see their faces now