Her Unwelcome Inheritance (original cover)MrWootton on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mrwootton/art/Her-Unwelcome-Inheritance-original-cover-318562990MrWootton

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Her Unwelcome Inheritance (original cover)



Update: This cover has been replaced. If you own a copy of the book with this cover, congratulations, you own a limited Original Edition!

Petra Godfellow is ready – a little nervous, but ready – to grow up and leave home.

She doesn't know the family secret...

...about the man who loved her mother, who couldn't accept that it was over...

Who's crazy enough to believe that he's the king of Faerie.

As she begins her first semester of college, Petra will have to figure out what to do when others in her family – people she respects – reveal their belief in the absurd and impossible. She'll be stalked by the supernatural, forced to navigate her own doubts as Faerie intrudes into her little college town. She'll be asked to bargain with unfriendly powers for the fate of another world. And it's not just her future that's in danger – it's her mother, her aunt, her best friend... and thousands of refugees from a centuries-old civil war in Faerie who are tired of staying in hiding...

Her Unwelcome Inheritance is available for Nook and Kindle for just $3USD.

You can get the book even if you don't own an e-reader: download a FREE Kindle App or Nook App for whatever you do have (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc) and read the book that way.

Read the Daily Deviation-winning story excerpt here.

If you like the book, please help me by rating it, reviewing it, commenting on it, liking its Facebook page, sharing links about it on social media sites, etc. All exposure is good exposure! The more the book is seen, the more people will become interested in reading it.

(cover art & design by Jill)
Image size
6510x10417px 5.91 MB
© 2012 - 2025 MrWootton
ulfus's avatar
Is well written and seems to be quite an interesting story, though the cover is a bit too cartoonish, might want to hire a professional.
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