The Colours are Changing by MrTiddleywinks, literature
The Colours are Changing
The colours are changing now.
Its funny, it always seems to sneaks up on me. Winter I mean.
I feel as if I have just started to enjoy the wonderful breezes of fall when the frigid hands of winter touch my skin. I am not sure if I really enjoy winter all that much, I know I did as a kid. But now I just get cold restless and depressed. They tell me its something called Seasonal depression, I guess the lack of sunlight makes my brains chemistry go off weird. So why didn’t it do this when I was younger? I hate as how I get older, things become less fluffy.
Not fluffy like a dog, but you know more like a cloud, something that you can’
The Colours are Changing by MrTiddleywinks, literature
The Colours are Changing
The colours are changing now.
Its funny, it always seems to sneaks up on me. Winter I mean.
I feel as if I have just started to enjoy the wonderful breezes of fall when the frigid hands of winter touch my skin. I am not sure if I really enjoy winter all that much, I know I did as a kid. But now I just get cold restless and depressed. They tell me its something called Seasonal depression, I guess the lack of sunlight makes my brains chemistry go off weird. So why didn’t it do this when I was younger? I hate as how I get older, things become less fluffy.
Not fluffy like a dog, but you know more like a cloud, something that you can’