Twilight : Jacob and Edwardmrsloth on DeviantArt

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Twilight : Jacob and Edward



As it is written in the pic, Jacob Black & Edward Cullen, characters from novel, the Twilight Saga.

So long I had not drawn fanart of any novel.
Since Darren Shan...maybe?

I know that I am so slow for this novel.
Although I knew both the movies and novel very long time ago but did not fall in love with it till I heard that...**cough cough...Edward Cullen was voiced by my dear Sakurai Takahiro!!!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:
Aghhhhhh~~~~~~Sakurai-san's voice is just so damn sexy as a vampire!!!!!!!! :love::love::love:
I really screamed "Kyaaaa" in front of the computer the first time I heard his voice :ashamed:

(There are a lot of Twilight's fans in this world, but I do wonder is there any being fan of this series after watching Japanese dubbed version like me LOL)

After watching twilight movie in Japanese version, I have to fight with myself very hard not to look for more movies dubbed by Sakurai-san and buy all DVD!
Unlike other Japanese dubbed movies, I did not feel out of place at all with Sakurai-san voice as Edward Cullen.
(Yes, I know that I absolutely bias...everything related to Sakurai-san seems perfect to me ^^; )

Feel a bit rude for Robert Pattinson...but honestly, I will not think he is sexy this much without Sakurai-san's voice.
<<<Sorry that I am Seiyuu Otaku! >w< (I am happy with myself though...)

Anyway, this pic was drawn just for my sake.
It is not the image from the movie ver or 100% exactly based on the description in the novel.
Hope you understand :)

Edward and Jacob's hair in the movie is too hard to draw for me...but I wanna challenge drawing it next time! next time! Don't be bored, I still have a lot to spam you >w<!

P.s. Again, do not ask me which "couple" I am into...
I do not want to upset any fan ^^;


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Silent--Sinner's avatar
....I might watch Twilight if it was an anime.
I read the first book (half since I was borrowing), decent. Not my forte but decent.