Judge DreddMrLeeCarter on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mrleecarter/art/Judge-Dredd-208647256MrLeeCarter

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Judge Dredd



A panal from my soon to be published Judge Dredd strip.
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© 2011 - 2025 MrLeeCarter
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JD-Bluestone's avatar

To most people this would simply be a scene with the same character repeated over and over, but to us who have been lifelong Dredd fan's, we see it another way - for the uniform of a JUDGE identifies them without question as the LAW, and their shields are merely there to given them individual names - other than this, they have no distinguishing features, other than they uphold the law, for they are legion.

     All of the men and women here are an extension of the Mega-City One Justice Department, including the white-helmeted rookie mid-frame.

     I LOVE THE LAW and adore what you've produced here, for it is a microcosm of city life in a single frame.