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Lee Carter
414 Deviations
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My Bio
Hi Im Lee Carter, fulltime comic artist. illustrator and concept artist,
currently drawing Judge Dredd for 2000ad
KICKSTARTER ARTBOOK.....So as comic conventions are quiet at the minute, I thought I would print up a run of 100 page perfect bound art booklets, Its something I have done previously, having printed a small run of 50 in 2017. This new book was going to be a simple reissue of that but due to having more work to show, extra pages this is a edited and updated version.. So this is a chance for people to get a copy of "337 Lee Carter Art Book" , featuring odd bits of illustration, commissions, sketches and design work.... not published comic book work as you can buy them already :)
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Any Judge Dredd fans interested in an original sketch?, I put a few on ebay, if you search for Lee Carter Judge Dredd it should show you a few :)
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right just got back up and at running after a series of mishaps, mostly moving, then decorating, then waiting over a month to get the web back up and running, THEN both my computers died :( within a week of each other too :(. so a few minor set backs but hopefully I should be back to normal now :) cheers lee,will try adn catch up on comments and replys
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Profile Comments 82

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Man, loving your art over at 2000A.D. I'm a Dreddhead going all the way back to PROG 2 (when Dredd made his first appearance, right after Judge Alvin, the very first Judge seen in the strip) and well, you're performing a service to comics that is nothing less than legendary.

thank you, im a reader since around from about prog 350, a cheap Judge Dredd annual led me to 2000ad, speaking of legendary not sure if you follow me on social media things but I bumped into Brian Bolland at a comic shop in Glastonbury last weekend..  that was cool

Sadly I seldom use social media, but I'll be honest in saying that artists have come and artists have gone over the years and the majority of them have produced some incredible artwork for 2000A.D. and the Megazine, but your work is among the very best.

     I've also met Brian Bolland, it must have been around eight years ago at some convention - I forget which one (sorry) and he was nice enough to do a very quick sketch for me which he signed and that is now pride of place in my original art collection.

     As for me, I adore the Dredd character and strips - and even have the Daily Star collections, as well as all of the specials. I've been attempting for the last two years to start writing a A-Z of Dredd, and yes, I'm aware this has been done before, but it would be my own take on the subject, using the original strips and media to produce a book.

     Recent health issues have made the task difficult, but I hope to have those issues resolved soon. Anyway, I've already produced technical artwork inspired by the 2000A.D. artwork - you can see that at my gallery in the 2000A.D. folder.

     I've always wanted to do what you do but simply don't have that specific artistic gene that allows for the creativity, and such easy presentation of the human form in either graphite or ink, which is why by way of artistic compensation, I went for the technical side of things and have been illustrating in that way for much of the last forty years.

     My favorite artists are, of course, Carlos Ezquerra, Kevin O'Neill,  Brian Bolland, Dave Gibbons, Massimo Belardinelli, Ron Smith, Alan Davis, Glenn Fabry, Ian Gibson, Steve Sampson, Arthur Ranson ... and so many more. Heroes all in my book.

     I have from time to time acted as a technical consultant for 2000A.D. related media, although have not been credited for such at my own request nor accepted payment for such projects.

I see your a big fan of Judge Dredd just like me!

I actually have a new Judge Dredd group I made and am looking for fans  of the series would you be interested in joining my group?

amazing work 😍
For he's a jolly good fellow...  for he's a jolly good fellow...

Boing! Boing! Headbang!birthday cake :groove: revamp by Banjelerp Free Axolotl Icon by warriorgriffinParty Party Microkit by Hyraea:squee:Airborne  Have your cake and eat it too Airborne :squee: Party Microkit by HyraeaPartyPARTY HARDbirthday cake Headbang! Boing! Boing!

Happy Birthday, Lee.