Coyote Rocketmreiof on DeviantArt

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mreiof's avatar

Coyote Rocket



Wile E. Coyote often employs rocket power in his pursuit of the Roadrunner. But this time, he should have strapped himself in more securely. He slid down the missile's length until his tail strayed into the red zone, where it ignited and burned like the fuse on his rocket. Now he, too, streaks through the sky with his rear end flaming. Wile can only hang on and hope that, wherever he lands, there's water.

The frame is a manip from the WB toon "Soup Or Sonic," in which Wile E. actually rides a rocket after setting his tail on fire.
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980x540px 57.35 KB
© 2013 - 2025 mreiof
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LaceyPowerPuffGirl's avatar

And his butt is on fire.