MrBadger on DeviantArt

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MrBadger's avatar




Poster #2 in a series of typographic designs showing quotes that help me out or I feel are important.
where there is a will, there is a way

This motivational quote is short and sweet and can be related to many situations throughout my, or probably anyone else's day. There are times when work or something will bum me out and I feel like I have no will to go on, but I know inside of me there is a way I can push and strive to do what I need to.

All was created in PhotoShop.

Stock texture is from ~bashcorpo. Thank you for all those great grungy textures!

Please comment and critique and let me know what you think. Feel free to say what you need. I greatly appreciate it!:-)
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1500x1950px 2.5 MB
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Princess--Gracie's avatar

when I was 3 days old wha-