please help us stop ACTA and TPP (
[link] please spread the word to Americans ) and IPRED (
[link] please just spread the word abut it since there are no petitions i can find if you know any please link them to me ) and c-11 (
[link] please spread the word to Canadians)
if you don't know what ACTA is please look at this
[link]please sing petitons to help stop ACTA
[link] [link] [link]TPP petitions (must be American to singe these so if your not American yourself please link this to an american you know)
[link]C-11 petitions (only Canadian citezens who live in or out of canda can sing if your not canadian yourself please spread the word to Candaians you know or do not know )
[link] [link]please spread the word