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All Santa Wants After Christmas



After providing gifts requested from children around the world,
all Santa wants after Christmas is...being left alone, taking a long long rest at his own backyard.

R.I.P. Rudolph :heart:

This is my entry for
Santa's Home - Contest
held by
See all entries here…
See results here 'Santa's home' - WINNERS


:iconmiliana63: Santa Claus :iconecathe: house :iconroula33: Sled and ducks :iconbrizzolatto55: Ducks
 :iconroys-art: Guitar and Wine and Sock
:iconlenyca: Clips :iconmargarita-morrigan: pine :iconlord-furfur: deer skull :iconmoonglowlilly: Pond :iconybsilon-stock: lotus and Sock
 :iconcollect-and-creat: rose :iconwolverine041269: Butterfly :iconstockmichelle: girl :iconecathe: sign :iconmartini-tiger-bianco: Santa Hat :iconiamszissz: balls :iconmom-espeace: Sock :iconmagicsart: Sock :icondawiiz: flare and glitter :iconrachgracehstock: Bokeh :iconredheadstock: Christmas Lights
Thank you so much :heart:

Any suggestion and criticism are welcome. :nod:
© All right reserved.

:lights: by koffeeben

I would like to dedicate this work as a New Year gift to all my friends and watchers. :love:

I especially dedicate this work to
Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday gift. =D  

Also dedicate to these kind friends who made my birthday special. :love:
NoorBlncyah theubbergeek2 Wesley-Souza LewiARTs Trippy4U
 Splat-Shot Cinnamoncandy Cold-Tommy-Gin alexamorath George-B-Art
MissGrib Branka-Johnlockian Ikonokl4st KarinClaessonArt Pixx-73
Zozziegirl inObrAS vaniapaiva wane1 YaelPardina TinaLouiseUk
Energiaelca1 sesam-is-open Dieffi VeilaKs txhern EstherPuche-Art
tainia Julianez Black-B-o-x umbatman Lolita-Artz CharllieeArts
Sisterslaughter165 Andorada Pendragon-Arts Farand VitaShuba 
Shades-Of-Lethe PaintedOnMySoul SnowInHades Flobelebelebobele
HaleyDesigns loravys philippeL surrealistic-gloom ReyeD33 Buxom-Bunny
pranile JocelyneR Neighya poisen2014 JocelyneR annewipf LindArtz 
LUCILALEYLA pjenz DCJBeers gala2025 Noitusan Merrysol66 syliou
DriPoint no1intheworld 
Thank you so much everyone for the BD wishes.

And thank you everyone for the congratulations on my 2nd DD in Escape from Skull Island
.I can't put all your names here, but please know that I appreciate all the kind words. :hug:


:lights: by koffeeben

Welcome to my contest

King Kong and I contest (8 days left)
With  12,900 :points:
Welcome to my second contest
3 years ago, I held my first contest Draw Tom Ripley Contest in 2012 with total 39,600 :points:  That event still makes me poor but very pleased until now. =P 
In 2015, I am quite lucky in art. I won lots of points from many contests throughout the year.
Now I'm ready to hold a contest again and share 12,900 :points: to other artists.
This event is called...
Yes, the theme of this contest is about King Kong and a woman.
I believe that almost all of you have seen King Kong movies at least once from 1933, 1976 or 2005 version.
 So, this event is like 10 year anniversary for the last time we saw King Kong.

Come win great prizes!
Traditional and digital artists can join.
Photomanip, painting and 3D are accepted.

Submit your entries within Jan 31, 2016.

Good luck!


Image size
1800x2400px 4.24 MB
© 2015 - 2024 Mr-Ripley
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RagamuffinRose's avatar

Love this scene! :love: Awesome storytelling :clap: