FireworksMr-Jaunty on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

November 5, 2009
Fireworks by ~Mr-Jaunty is a brilliant little emoticon with a fantastic camera effect and great firework pixelling. The whole animation fits smoothly together to form an awesome emote to celebrate events such as Bonfire Night today.
Featured by Synfull
Suggested by Ljserpent
Mr-Jaunty's avatar




A couple of days late, I know, but that's what I get for starting it at seven PM on July fourth and then obtaining a new game.

Anyway, this is my Fourth of July emote, because there aren't already a bunch of those... As you can see, I made it in the amateur film style with shaky camera and off-center focus.

The loop's a bit crap but I was growing bored with it.

I'd also like to add that this is my first ever animated emote with a background, as well as the first time I've dithered large-scale emotes... or any emotes at all for that matter.

One last thing before I start my list. I want to say this before someone asks, and someone will probably still ask anyway, but no, it cannot be turned into a plz account.

Time taken: Thirty-some hours, but only about eight of that was actual work. :B
Program(s) used: My usual Photoshop and ImageReady.
Frames: 142
Layers: 92
Image size
50x50px 24.61 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Mr-Jaunty
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DeusExDeviant's avatar

Well, since we're heading straight into 2024, give me some 6h around here, let me express my gratitude for one of the best smileys letting go a rocket!
