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September 24, 2012
[Stock & Resources] Some resources are timeless - as in the case of Ryders Land - Planet resource by =Mr-Frenzy
Featured by Elandria
Mr-Frenzy's avatar

Ryders Land - Planet resource



Here's the big planet i used in [link] and big it is. I've added the 4500 x 4500 version this time, and it should be pretty razorsharp in this size. This planet is in my oppinion my best work so far on the planetside. I've been developing and experimenting with some brand new techniques on the texturingbit, so it has a slightly different feel than my other planets.

Abuse it, use it, thats what it's here for :) just as long as you credit me when you're posting the piece its used in. Send me a note as well, so i can see what you've made of it :D

Hope this lil planetresource will come in help. This is my way of thanking the community, you guys, for beeing here, and making all this happen :)


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WearyOne's avatar
I used this image again here:…  Thank you so much for sharing your works :nod: