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Mozmarto's avatar

Sci-Fi Roman Legionnaire Concept (Animated)



A remake of my old art.
A concept of a roman empire character that served around 50 A.D. in an alternative reality where Roman Empire had access to much more advanced technologies.
Standard roman legionnaire equipped with:
- a shock spear that can electrocute enemies (can be used both non-lethally and lethally);
- a large square shield that can withstand strong physical and electromagnetic damages and has a pulse charger that can generate a magnetic impulse capable of pushing couple of people back up to 5 meters. Also has clamps on 4 sides that allow it to stick with other shields to form a 'tortoise' formation.
- a shock sword for close combat that can easily burn through a light armor.
Image size
654x903px 51.26 MB
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Onikage108's avatar

This would perfectly fit Warhammer 40K