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Mowza2k2's avatar

Bridal Fluttershy



Here is Bridal Fluttershy. According to Equestria Daily the mane six are going to be released as Bridesmaids for the Princess Cadence/Shining Armor playset.

The quality of the original picture is very bad. So I did my best and rolled with it. Creating a few things as I went.
Here is the original [link]

Color Guide Here [link] Done by :iconkefkafloyd:

Yes you are welcome to use this as long as you credit me in some way. It is always appreciated.
Image size
7498x5534px 1.12 MB
© 2012 - 2024 Mowza2k2
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Gebros's avatar
Tought I let you know I made a minimalist vector about this :D gave credit dw