Olá a todos, Hi everyone
Eu estou desativada aqui então se quiserem continuar vendo os projetos cosplays curtam a pagem: https://www.facebook.com/MoVampie
I'm really off here so if you wanna keep seeing the cosplay projects follow my page on: https://www.facebook.com/MoVampie
I'll try to be more present here, but I'm a little busy trying to update my new facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MoVampie
So if you want more pics and can't wait untill I remember to come here post them like me there. :) There's something everyday!
I am kind of flooding since I just had a BEAUTIFUL and MAGICAL photoshoot thanks to Seshiria (my Sakura <3), Ookami (Eriol ^^) and Felipe Daidouji (thank you forever!).
But I promise I'll try to post more photos from older projects that still didn't make it here and new ones.
And while I'm at it let me thank EVERYONE that cosplayed with me or supported my projects somehow. And a big THANKS to everyone for the compliments and favs.
Happy 2014!
T-T i still cant help that you dont want to do a eternal sailor jupiter cosplay video it would been nice ;-;. Regardless of how your webcam suck *frowns*
but i want to frown ;-; because i want to see a video i love eternal sailor jupiter too, and i would of loved to see a video of that cosplay in action *keeps frowning* ;-;