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Commission: Tapewolf - Richard



A commission for tapewolf, who is way too nice to me, but still commissions me whenever I need help, because he is nice and awesome like this. This is a character from his comic, The Epsilon Project ( [link] ) which you should all read.
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777x900px 454.66 KB
© 2012 - 2024 mouseymachinations
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tapewolf's avatar
Awesome. I see you added extra fluff to his arms - he was looking a bit smooth but I forgot to mention that.

FYI, the link is a little confused. Richard's story is a written one, which is running every two weeks on Clockwork Mansion ( [link] ). I'm hoping it will be my next comic when PF ends, but that's some years away, even assuming Ren is able to get back into gear.