First night of temps that made it below 30 degrees!! the grass was all crisp and crunchy, and I had to actually scrape the windshield before heading to work. So fabulous! Now for my yearly tradition of blasting Sweeny Todd and Sleepy Hollow to plaster shattering volumes!
So I attempted to get some work done over the weekend, which means that instead of my sleek and up-to-date computer that I have at the office I was using my modest machine at home.....and it's been awhile since I've used said machine....which I learned no longer can handle my needs. And it makes me sad, that the likely hood of being able to upgrade the old monster and save myself the pain of having to purchase a new machine is probably slim to none.
It was really made clear to me how much trouble the home machine was causing me when I got to the office this morning, with my usual time to spare, and started/finished a panel that took me nearl
Thank ya very much. I haven't updated for awhile :< my side/personal projects have taken a backseat to work, but we slog on!! The Overlords can't keep us chained forever!!
to become complacent invites stagnation into the work process! I've been trying to get back to more anatomical accuracy and also try multiple ways of getting the look I'm after. Thanks for all your help with this my friend!!