DisagreeableMorloth88 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/morloth88/art/Disagreeable-336115184Morloth88

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I know…I waried from the original design. BUT THE ORIGNAL SUCKED! And I couldn’t make him a big fluffy beast. So I just made him slightly scruffy. Not much but still, I tried.
I tired to do a fumbling mashup of the original design and :iconjimbopunk: sexy fantastic drool-worthy design, fav.me/d36zy6a fav.me/d3dvqpx . that’s pretty much perfect but…I felt I had to try to keep it closer to the original… if only a little.
Oh come one! The real beast’s human design makes him look like a young, wasp-stung, swollen, Brendan Fraser who hasn’t slept, on a bad day… with weird hair. Me no like.

Meg. I love Meg. Megara is pop-goth, but she can still listen to KoRn if she wants! And she smokes. She has troubles at home okay! Nasty uncle she lives with. And she likes to dress prettily, and rebel against her bad uncle…yeah…deal with it, I like it.

That's a photo of Belle he's holding :love:


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Franksuit's avatar

Beast sure reminds me of Kanji Tatsumi.