Current Residence: Scotland, Helensburgh
Favorite genre of music: All sorts :)
Favorite Film: Goodbye Lenin, Inception, Sunshine, Withnail and I - I'm sure there are plenty of other contenders XD
Favorite Game: The Soul Reaver Series, Shadow of the Colossus and XCom Apocolypse
Favorite style of art: Anthro!
Favourite Visual Artist
Iain McConville
Favourite Movies
Goodbye Lenin
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Hard to say~
Favourite Writers
H.P.Lovecraft, Iain M Banks, JRR Tolkien, Terry Pratchett
Favourite Games
The Soul Reaver series, Final Fantasy 9, Command & Conquer and Shadow of the Colosus!
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
As much as possible! But mainly my drawing tablet.