The Perfect Storm #29MoreThanOneTree on DeviantArt

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The Perfect Storm #29



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The world...was going dark.

The winner of the raffle was :iconbenherrin: and so his OC is the pony being served pancakes by AJ.

Things are definitely heating up...I can't wait for you all to see how it ends. So, as always, I'm extremely broke. On top of the bills I have to pay, I'm trying to get through school and also handle my day job. If you are enjoying this comic, please take a minute to donate a dollar to my paypal. I put this comic out in my free time and I can't explain how much I appreciate any compensation to show your appreciation for a good story. Thanks everyone!

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2721x7645px 8.22 MB
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CalebRands's avatar
What happened to Vinyl's eyes? They they were red earlier.