The Perfect Storm #1MoreThanOneTree on DeviantArt

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The Perfect Storm #1



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Trees has just returned from her painting hoof-trek across Equestria. She barely had time to hang some pieces to dry before she received her first real commission. It looks like "getting her name out into the world," really caught some pony's attention. As you can guess from the title, this comic will recount the story of the relationship between Trees and Storm Feather.

I'm really excited about this comic I'm starting. This first page has taken me a very long time because I had to design Tree's home in the forest.

Are you enjoying my comic? Please help me out with any donation you can afford! I put out this comic in my free time, and although I love doing it, it seriously cuts into commission, work and school time. Every tiny bit really does help. If you appreciate this little story, please drop me a dollar, and I will heart you all over the place.

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2550x3300px 4.05 MB
© 2014 - 2025 MoreThanOneTree
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ilubatar's avatar

oh! is she artist?