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Moowna's avatar

She wants to be a movie star



Well she already has the looks and additude :giggle:

Here's Narnia again, one of our beautiful Maine Coon girls :love:
(background not edited, just light and shades - eye not manipulated, it's just that pretty ^^)

full view is always better :)

-> Cat photos: [link]

  Featured in News:
"Photography mini feature!" by ~ashkamoo.

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"WTF? Why didn't I reply?" by =glowingkitten,
"Feature+ 219,500th pageview feature" by =glowingkitten,
"Feature!!" by *foowahu,
"Fairy Whispers.. ." by *CrimzonRose.
Image size
432x797px 245.76 KB
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Scoobsonka's avatar
I could use a picture of your to do a presentation on page Of course, will say who is the author. I hope the answer will be positive, because I really care about professional photos;)
PS. I apologize for any errors in writing but takes advantage of google translator.